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January 27, 2024

Unlocking Success: The Power of ‘Word of the Year’ & Core Values at Vitalia Mentor in 2024

Category: Senior Living

Author: Gregory Schindler, Executive Director

At the beginning of each year, Michael Buckley, Arrow’s personal and professional development coach and “The Chief Feelings Officer,” asks each team member to pick a “Word of the Year.”

To help individuals come up with a word, he offers questions like:

What does your life need more of right now?

And my life will be improved if I have more of what?

Michael reminds us that sometimes, we need more focus. Then, other times, it’s more compassion, and at times, we need more fun! In past years, team members have chosen words such as clarity, confidence, intentional, commitment, consideration, and receptiveness.

This year, team members are actively selecting a Word of the Year for themselves and collaborating to create a word for their community. Picking a personal word and community word is a commitment to doing work on themselves and the “we” and “us” work they want to accomplish as a community.

The Vitalia Mentor word of the year is an acronym, TRAIE. 

Toward the end of 2023, our department head team completed a team-building activity. This was to establish our internal department head’s core value system. Every department head was tasked with submitting a list of the core values they believed to be true in their heart. We then compiled all our lists and established the top five values. Then with the most “votes” as our team’s core values to lead and guide us in 2024. TRAIE stands for Trust, Transparency, Respect, Accountability, Integrity, and Empathy.

By setting an intention for the year, we’re shaping our community for success. With purpose, we’ve crafted a list of core values that guide our current team and community through the year’s challenges and triumphs. Throughout 2024, these values will shape our meetings and decisions. In times of need, adversity, and decision-making, we’ll turn to them to infuse our daily community operations. These values will serve as a springboard. To propel us forward as we strive to create the culture and community that our residents, families, and employees truly deserve at Vitalia Mentor.

The most significant goals of the year for our new community are to continue building a culture among our residents, employees, and families that values:

  • Trust and Transparency
  • Respect
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Empathy

We can prioritize this value system in our daily operations. In that case, we will meet our goals of continued growth as a community, fantastic resident satisfaction, and experiences, and reach stabilization by becoming the community of choice in Lake County and the surrounding area. 

We look forward to continuing to welcome new residents to our community. By creating an experience that affirms their decision to trust us as their new home.

The chosen Word of the Year should inspire the team. If it doesn’t, it means they selected the wrong word. Hold yourself and others accountable throughout the year. Engage with team members about their Word of the Year and keep it as a frequent topic of discussion in your community. Monitor your achievements using your 2024 Word of the Year, and we eagerly anticipate celebrating them with you!

VITALIA® Mentor in Mentor, OH offers independent senior apartments, assisted living, and memory care with a variety of services and a range of floor plan options. Amenities include restaurant dining, 24-hour bistro, concierge service, housekeeping, events and entertainment, personal care, transportation services, and more. Centrally located near Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals with convenient access to major shopping centers and attractions, including Little Mountain Country Club, Pinecrest Shopping and Dining, Lake Metroparks, James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Headlands Beach State Park, and Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.

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